Ukoliko poželite da uživate u prijatnom ambijentu, savršenom mirisu i ukusu hrane, preporučujemo naš restoran na samom ušću Save u Dunav.
Čarda Stara Koliba je restoran urađen od drveta, tako da se savršeno uklapa u prirodni ambijent reke Dunav.
Za svoje goste spremamo nacionalne specijalitete od najboljih namirnica, i uvek sveže. U to se i sami možete uveriti jer se hrana sprema pred vama, u kuhinji koja je u sredini restorana.
Restoran je odličan izbor i ukoliko vam treba organizacija proslava svih vrsta, privatnih i poslovnih.
Trudimo se da imamo i povoljne cene, a naš jelovnik možete pogledati ovde.
Do nas možete prošetati,a možete doći i kolima na uređene parkinge.
Our resturant offers a very pleasant atmosphere, where our staff is very friendly, our chefs fill the air with the aromas of their skilled cooking, and the taste of their cooking will have you coming back for more. Our specialty uses fresh and salt water fish, prepared in both traditional recipies and modern culinary techniques.
Our wine selection is top notch, featuring domestic and foreign wines, each made to go with the food choices on our menu. Bring your family or your business contacts, we accept most major credit cards.
You can view our menu here.
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